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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd
CU Presents
Macky Auditorium
Boulder, CO
March 16-18, 2018

Sweeney Todd is a monumental task for any theatre company to take on. For a program like Eklund Opera, it’s even more challenging. To have budding opera singers perform music that is meant to sound discordant must have felt counter intuitive.

Wisely, they cast a professor in the title role and brought an alumnus of the program back for the role of Judge Turpin. The students rounding out the cast did a remarkable job rounding out the cast. While the experienced performers shone, the student singers more than held their own.

The steampunk costumes and set worked well with the storyline of the show. The set was simple yet effective. It gave the players many levels which they utilized throughout. The barber chair worked perfectly throughout and sets changed easily.

Overall, this performance had the feeling of a professional company rather than a student production, an impressive feat for a difficult show.

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