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Thursday, March 15, 2018


Bitsy Stage
Denver, CO
February 22 – April 8, 2018

The Bitsy Stage has made its name presenting folk tales from around the world in format that is easily accessible for audiences of all ages. While their latest show Jotunheim is advised for ages eight and older, it did not change that focus.

Billed as a heavy metal musical, Jotunheim presented Nordic tales of Thor and his Hammer. The costumes were dark with a decidedly steampunk influence. Aside from the well-known Beatles song “Blackbird,” the music was original to the show. With a live electric guitar, the audience could feel the music just as much as they heard it.

The characters were the strength of the show. Thor was not a blonde Adonis but an arrogant and often confused figure. Odin was strong and unapproachable while Loki was goofy and tricky, but certainly not a villain. Freya was the most enjoyable character as a strong woman who wanted to be known for her brains more than her beauty.

The script was simple but fun. It brought a loft myth to a realistic level. Once again, the Bitsy Stage has highlighted how people are more similar than we are different.

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