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Thursday, March 29, 2018


National Tour
Buell Theater
Denver, CO 
February 24 - April 1, 2018

It’s hard to think of a show that has received more hype than Hamilton – An American Musical. Once the hype gets going it’s difficult for the material to live up to.  But this show delivered.
The pace of Hamilton was lightning fast. The dialogue was minimal between the catchy songs. The hip hop soundtrack appealed to a much wider audience than you would expect. “My Shot,” “Helpless,” “The Room Where it Happened” and “The Story of Tonight” already have a life outside the show.

The story was the epic journey of Alexander Hamilton from poor immigrant to founding father to his early death. The narrator was Aaron Burr, the man most famous for killing Hamilton in a duel. The character development throughout the show was impressive. Not only did we get to know Hamilton, his friends and family, we also got familiar the villain Burr. The interesting part was that the audience didn’t hate Burr at any time in the story. The short appearances of King George were the shots of comic relief the audience needed.

The performances throughout the show were engaging. Each actor created appealing characters. The songs were immaculately performed. The harmonies were beautifully put together and most of the lyrics were easily understood. And in a show that is mostly sung, that was vital.

The set appeared plain, but it was well used throughout the show. The dual rotating floor was not over used but was effective when it was. But the star of the technical side was the lighting. It created texture, movement and focus throughout.

Hamilton may not be for everyone, but it does have a wide appeal with great music, likable characters and an inspiring story with genuine emotion. Expect to see the Hamilton machine steaming along for years to come.

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