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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Irish Tales Along the Trail

Irish Tales Along the Trail
Arts in the Open
Chautauqua State Park
Boulder, CO
July 7 - August 5, 2018

Irish Tales Along the Trail seems an appropriate title for a play performed on a hike. This production presented four fun stories from Ireland in scenic Chautauqua Park. While the stories were not familiar to most audiences, they were easy to follow and well told.

The cast all used Irish accents throughout. They were consistent and not at all grating. They easily switched for character to character - often in the same scene. And when an actor played more than one character in the same scene, it was easily distinguishable.

This show did not attempt much scenery other than the framework of the park. But the sets and costume pieces were enough to create each location.

Irish Tales brought audiences what they have come to expect from Arts in the Open - outrageous characters, just enough costumes to create the characters and funny stories.

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