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Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon
National Tour
Ellie Caulkins Opera House
Denver, CO 
June 13 - July 1, 2018

The musical The Book of Mormon took Broadway by storm in 2011. In that time, the appeal of this satirical show has not died down. Even on its third trip to Denver the tickets sold quickly.

The show started quickly with “Hello,” showing a group of young men training to go door to door. From there the story took off running. The songs were full of energy and the choreography added to the humor.

The main characters of Elder Price and Elder Cunningham were fun to watch. They had good chemistry between them. Nabulungi was charming but when she sang it was difficult to understand the words. On a song like “Sal Tlay Ka Siti" it was unfortunate because much of the humor was lost.

The brief bits from the actually Book of Mormon helped put the show in context. The “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream” served as a psychological analysis as well as a production number. Songs like "I Believe" and "Baptize Me" showed relatable sides of the characters.

The show was funny, often vulgar and never took anything seriously. It pushed the limits of good taste and the comfort level of the audience. The result was a hilarious presentation that somehow managed to show the human side of all the characters involved.

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