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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
Colorado Ballet
Ellie Caulkins Opera House
Denver, CO 
February 16 - 25, 2018

Romeo and Juliet is a more intricate story than the ballet usually tells.
Despite the need for editing, all the most familiar elements of the story were present. Most notably was the character of Mercutio. His humorous antics came through even without words. Tybalt was not as hot headed as expected but their conflict was unmistakable.

Romeo and Juliet’s characters were not as well developed. Despite that, the chemistry between the dancers moved the story along. Romeo’s parents only appeared briefly in the production and had nor characterization through the story.

This production had more scene changes than a usual ballet, but they were completed quickly behind a closed curtain while the orchestra played. The sets were beautiful and perfectly created each location. The balcony scene was played mostly on an open stage but unfortunately the decorative foliage block Juliet from view for a portion of the audience when she was actually on the balcony.

The costumes, on the whole were spectacular. It was a bit strange to see Romeo’s initial love interest Rosalind dressed more splendidly than Juliet at the Capulet’s ball. The two sides of the conflict were, for the most part, color coordinated to help the audience see which side everyone was on. The Montagues wore the cool blues and greens while the Capulets were often in fiery reds and black.

The final scene was a bit sloppy. It was uncomfortable to watch Romeo dragging Juliet’s body around and confounding that she didn’t awaken until he stopped. It was also a disappointment not to see the reconciliation of the families after the death of their heirs.

Unlike Dracula earlier this season, the dancing was not secondary to the storytelling. This show blended both together for a satisfying performance.

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