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Thursday, February 15, 2018


Moscow Festival Ballet
Lone Tree Arts Center
Lone Tree, CO 
February 15, 2018

Every year around this time, the Moscow Festival Ballet makes a stop in the Denver area. Those who attend every year will undoubtedly recognize many of the dancers. That familiar feel brought a welcoming feeling to the show.

The set for Cinderella was beautiful but unfortunately to was stationary. The same backdrop was used for Cinderella’s home and the royal palace. The costumes were stunning. It was a refreshing change to see all the women at the ball wearing dresses and not tutus. Although, one of Cinderella’s stepsisters wore a blue dress much like the one in the Disney movies, so that took a bit of getting used to.

The dancer portraying Cinderella’s stepmother stole every scene he was in. Even more impressive was that he was the only member of the cast not wearing dance shoes. The stepsisters also danced beautifully, although always with an ugly expression on their faces. The leaps of the prince were astounding while Cinderella was a lovely to watch.

The music was prerecorded and often cut off before it ended, which reminded the audience constantly that is wasn’t live. But that was the only real distraction from a graceful fairy tale.

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