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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sabrina Fair

Sabrina Fair
Spotlight Theatre Company
John Hand Theatre
Denver, CO
February 17 - March 10, 2017

The play Sabrina Fair is not as well-known as the two films named Sabrina which are based in it. But fans of the films will find much to enjoy in the original play.

The action of the play took place on one set – the patio of the wealthy Larrabee family. It was a lovely set with many levels and areas for the action to take place. It was a lovely space and we could imagine how luxurious the rest of the home would be. The staging was so well thought out that we knew exactly which room each door lead to. And the actors used every inch of it effectively.

The costumes were interesting and told the audience quite a bit about each character. The women’s outfits were especially interesting, evoking the 1950’s as well as the mood and social status of each character.

Each member of the cast seemed perfectly suited for their role. While there may not have been  overwhelming chemistry between any of the actors, the relationships were believable. And despite everyone’s obvious flaws, each was likable. The love triangle which develops doesn’t have an obvious favorite for the audience.

Sabrina Fair provided an enjoyable evening of theater. It’s not a deep or profound story, but not every show has to be. There is a place for delightful entertainment such as this.

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