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Saturday, February 18, 2017


Aurora Fox Theater
Aurora, CO
January 20 - February 19, 2017

It’s not often a local theater takes a chance on a never before produced play by a local author. But the Aurora Fox did just that with its world premiere of Myth. On the surface, it is a play about the search for Bigfoot. But it delved into much deeper topics.

Myth ultimately was a story about loss and the desire to keep a piece of a loved one alive after they are gone. We met two characters – Jason and Cass. When the story began they seemed to be on opposite sides of the “myth.” But as the play progressed they awkwardly found much common ground.

While the story is intriguing, the script had some difficulties. While the erratic behavior of Cass was somewhat cliché, it also crossed the line to criminal. We did eventually learn his motivation, but some of his acts were criminal and impossible to overlook.

Despite the imperfections in the script, the story’s message did not get lost. It gave the audience much to think about and the emotional impact was real.

The set for the performance was a character itself. The action was all centered in the Canadian woods. While it was a small space, it reflected the specific spot Jason wanted to find. The trees, rocks and outcroppings felt real. When Jason lit a campfire, even the smell of it seemed real. The forest sound effects never became annoying and the crunch of pine needles underfoot only added to the authenticity of the scene.

Myth was not a typical play, but it is art in its truest form – it created many emotional responses and gave the audience plenty to reflect on well after the lights went down.

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