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Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Sleeping Beauty

The Sleeping Beauty
Colorado Ballet
Ellie Caulkins Opera House
Denver, CO
October 5 - 21, 2012

The Colorado Ballet has been presenting quite a few fairy tales lately. That seems to be a good plan - this will appeal to families with little ballerinas. Ballets don't get much more classic than The Sleeping Beauty.

The story is very similar to the Disney movie, but there are differences. Princess Aurora is courted by a number of suitors prior to her falling under Carabosse's spell. Her sleep lasts 100 years and a new prince awakens her.

This is a beautiful ballet to watch. The costumes are stunning, although I often wondered why Princess Aurora wore a traditional tutu while the rest of the women in the cast wore costumes that looked more like dresses from the period. Carabosse is very glamorous, but doesn't look much like the Disney character.

The first act introduces us to Aurora, her family and suitors. Act Two is the battle to awaken her. The last act is the royal wedding where a zany cast of characters dance. This final part might be the most entertaining for children, even though there isn't much story.

The music by Tchaikovsky may also be familiar to fans of the Disney movie. Some of it was adapted for the film. No matter the similarities and differences from the film, the ballet stands on its own.

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