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Thursday, August 8, 2019


National Tour
Buell Theater
Denver, CO 
August 7 - 18, 2019

In 1997, Twentieth Century Fox released the animated film Anastasia as an attempt to capture some of the Disney Princess magic. On its initial release, it was a box office disappointment. However, in the 22 years since it has gained a cult following among princess fans.

The new musical version is appealing to a new generation of princesses. However, this is not the Anastasia any of them remembers. The creators removed the character of Rasputin and all elements of magic. Instead the antagonist is the new Soviet empire and specifically Gleb, an officer and son of a Romanov executioner. The most unfortunate part of these changes is that audiences may believe that these changes are closer to the reality of the Anastasia legend, when in fact, it is a completely fabricated story.

While some of the charm of the film remained in the characters of Anastasia, Dimitri and Vlad, the overall feel was darker and less magical. The few remaining songs from the original film shone among the forgettable, uninteresting new additions. The cast was talented, but they had an impossible task of holding up a dark, dragging storyline.

The plot was in desperate need to comic relief, and in Act Two we were introduced to the Countess Lily. She brought a Carol Burnett style humor to the scenes in France. However, her duet with Vlad “The Countess and the Common Man” was not family friendly.

The real star of the show was the set. While the background was made up of mostly projected scenery, it blended seamlessly with the actual set pieces making for a realistic look. The costumes brought a glamour to the scenes in Paris as an offset to the bleakness of Russia.

The film version of Anastasia will inevitably draw families and especially young girls to the theatre for this show. However what they will experience is a bloody trip through the Russian Revolution and a gun wielding villain with an intense climax. While the creators may have striven for a more “realistic” story, they have alienated the built in audience from the original film.

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