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Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Marriage of Figaro

The Marriage of Figaro
Opera Colorado
Ellie Caulkins Opera House
Denver, CO
May 4-12, 2019

At the heart of The Marriage of Figaro is a love triangle – perhaps love octagon might be a better description. Everyone in the show is in love with someone else, creating conflict and ridiculous scenarios befitting one of the great comic operas.

The comedic element to The Marriage of Figaro was particularly strong. The situations in the script itself were often ridiculous, but the cast pulled the antics off, creating great waves of laughter throughout.

The cast presented endearing portraits of their characters. Even the faithless Count was likable. The performances were beautifully sung, bringing Mozart’s timeless score to life.

The performance of Cherubino was especially effective. Since the role is written for a soprano, a woman must be cast in the part. These conventions often lead to awkward love scenes. However, this Cherubino encapsulated the role, making each scenario seem realistic.

While the costumes were bright and effective, it was disappointing that Susanna wore the same dress she worked in to her wedding. It was even more unfortunate that her groom and every other cast member had a new, fancier outfit for the occasion.

The set was glamourous and effective. While the framing columns and elaborate floor were present throughout, the design of each room around those pieces was convincing – even allowing for a garden at the end.

The traditional approach with modern capabilities showcase just why The Marriage of Figaro endures. While some situations inside the story are dated, it’s message about love is eternal.

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