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Friday, November 16, 2018


Bitsy Stage
Denver, CO
October 12 – November 18, 2018

The Bitsy Stage has made itself known for taking world fables and bringing them to life for audiences. Aloha, a collection of Polynesian tales featuring the demi-god Maui, was well timed after the success of Disney’s Moana last year.

As always, the space was transformed to fit the location. The set was particularly ingenious – a three sided island in the middle what easily rolled to reveal a new tropical location.

Maui was played by a talented actress. She cleverly never played the role as male or female – merely a person. This took away any thought about gender throughout the performance. The rest of the cast quickly changed characters and costumes for each scene. Their versatility was impressive.

Short Polynesian dances and songs were inserted between scenes giving it the feel of a luau. Set changes were quick and the limited props were used to their advantage. A boat with the actors’ legs clearly visible was used for the full comic effect.

Aloha was an enjoyable show that appealed to all the ages present. Once again, the Bitsy Stage has created a fun lesson about culture.

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