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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Love Never Dies

Love Never Dies
National Tour
Buell Theater
Denver, CO 
October 23-28, 2018

As a sequel to The Phantom of the Opera, Love Never Dies has a lot to live up to. This show has had a rocky road to its first US tour with too many revisions to keep up with.

The show begins with the assumption that every audience member has seen Phantom and knows it well.  The Prologue let the audience know he was still pining for Christine but gave no other expository information.

The character of the Phantom didn't seem to have changed much in the ten years since the end of The Phantom of the Opera. Raoul became a gambler and drunk while Christine's career blossomed. Most strange was the inclusion of Madame Giry and her daughter Meg. Both have seemed to forget their fear of the Phantom and gone into business with them. Madame Giry still commanded the dancers but somehow acquired a greedy sense of business while Meg has a strong desire to be Christine.

The storyline also took liberties with the original script. Suddenly the Phantom's psychotic need to control Christine has transformed into a love affair.

The script by itself was uncomfortable. While Raoul and the Phantom were still fighting over Christine, they made an agreement that her decision to sing a song would determine who would be with her - taking Christine's future completely out of her hands.

The music, unfortunately, was not as memorable as the original. The title track "Love Never Dies" was beautiful and climatic "The Beauty Within" and "Beneath a Moonless Sky" were nice to listen to at the time but most of the rest of the songs just served to move the story along.

The sets and costumes for the show did not disappoint. During the circus scenes the backdrop lit up like a carnival and the smooth transitions to the Phantom's Lair and Christine's dressing room were exactly what Phantom fans would expect. The use of mirrors for the Phantoms entrances were expected and yet they still managed to surprise.

Christine's costumes were enchanting, especially for the show's title song. However, they did undermine her situation of being short of money. The circus like costumes of the ensemble were colorful and fun but they directly contrasted the creepy music behind them.

When comparing Love Never Dies to its predecessor, it won't even come close. But taken on it's own, it is an enjoyable night at the theater.

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