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Sunday, August 19, 2018

On Your Feet

On Your Feet
National Tour
Buell Theater
Denver, CO 
August 8 - 19, 2018

Anyone listening to music in the 1980's has to recognize the music of Gloria Estefan. On Your Feet took this memorable soundtrack and used it to tell the deeper story behind that music.

The focus of the story was on family. While both Gloria and Emilio were immigrants from Cuba, they were shown as an American family. It wasn't until Emilio wanted to release a song in English that the issue of racial bias entered the story. When Emilio declared "This is what an American looks like!" the audience roared.

A major strength of the show was when the famous songs by Gloria Estefan were used in a personal context. It was a strong demonstration of how relatable their music was and still is. Act Two was less dynamic due to the heavier subject matter and the use of many unfamiliar songs to fill in gaps. But it all came to an emotional climax with the famous comeback song "Coming Out of the Dark."

Each character was well cast. Gloria was stunning and she did justice to each famous song. Emilio was handsome, charismatic and the glue that held the show together. Gloria's mother was also compelling, especially when she got into her backstory.

The set was simple was versatile. The show began with the musicians at stage center and they moved smoothly behind the play space. Their presence was a metaphor of the continual presence of music in the character's lives. The set changes were smooth and most were minimal but effective. The use of color and lights brought made the show feel more like a concert at times.

The costumes were an excellent interpretation of each character and it was fun to see them evolve into spectacular performance outfits. Gloria commented on Emilio's bad shorts in the beginning - and they were memorably bad!

Lovers of the music of Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine aren't the only ones who will enjoy this show. The inspirational true story should appeal to everyone.

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