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Saturday, May 12, 2018


Opera Theatre of the Rockies
Ent Center for the Arts
Colorado Springs, CO
May 10 - 13, 2018

Verdi’s Aida is on the of the classic operas that most people have heard of, if not seen. As part of their 2oth season, Opera Theatre of the Rockies presented it in concert form.

While the show did not have a set, images of Egypt were projected on a screen at the back of the stage to suggest the locations of the scenes. The cast were fully costumed throughout, even changing between scene to show the passage of time. Amneris had particularly spectacular outfits befitting the princess of Egypt.

The story was written so much of the action took place offstage. Rademes was already in love with Aida when the opera began. His conquest of the Ethiopians was only referred to after it happened. Even his trail was held offstage where Amneris could only listen in. And with the performance in concert style, it lacked action in front of the audience. A fully staged opera would have contained a victory parade, but since this was a concert, the lights went down on stage and the focus went to the musicians.

Musically, the performance was spectacular. The voices of the singers were perfection and they were beautifully framed by the live orchestra and chorale. But an audience member wanting to see a traditional opera might have been disappointed.

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