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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can
Aurora Fox Theater
Aurora, CO 
April 22 - May 15, 2016

Over the years many successful films have been reborn as musicals. One of those was Catch Me If You Can. By now most people are familiar with at least the story, if not the details.

The version the Aurora Fox presents is a bright, spangly musical. It stays very true to the era of the 1960’s – sometimes to the point of appearing sexist. The sleazy stewardesses and naughty nurses are not an image we are used to seeing anymore. The rest of the characters are likeable and more realistic.

It's not often you have two protagonists opposing each other. Both Frank and Hanratty were likeable. And when each was on stage the audience rooted for them to succeed against the other.

The story is not complex but it’s an enjoyable ride. The sets are colorful and adapt to many different scenarios. The costumes are equally bright. And the music fits this style perfectly.

The cast is strong and the relationships seem to grow organically before our eyes. And despite the fluffy appearance, a gritty core is revealed. The theme is clearly that things are not always as they appear.

This isn’t a show for someone who wants to see a strong message or a social commentary. But for sheer entertainment you won’t be disappointed.

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