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Friday, April 8, 2016

Black Elk Speaks

Black Elk Speaks
Aurora Fox Theater
Aurora, CO 
March 18 - April 10, 2016

American history is something we all learn in school. And, as we learn, history tends to tell the story from the viewpoint of those who write it. Black Elk Speaks is American History – told from a viewpoint few ever hear. This is the story of Native American tribes versus “Manifest Destiny.”

The set is simple and beautiful. A rock on a stage of soil with a real fire in the middle. The moon hangs low in the distance. It feels like a special and sacred place. The show begins with a ritual. In these ceremonies, marijuana is usually burned but the producers chose to use sage instead. The scent is very similar and it added to the atmosphere.

The narrator, Black Elk, took the stage and told the story of his ancestors. From the beginning we learn this is the Native American stories as they tell them. The costumes worn by European settlers are exactly as a native would have made them out of animal hides with fringe.

The actors take turns playing the Native American heroes – Little Crow, Crazy Horse. The stories don’t excuse bad behavior on their own part, but they do emphasize the wrongs done to them. At time it’s heartbreaking. The first mention of “Sand Creek” lead to a large groan from the audience. Everyone knew what was coming.

The cast made up entirely of Native Americans, proudly name their tribes in their bios. The performance is inspired and told with grace. Ultimately, it is a story of healing and forgiveness. In the final scene, a child offers the ceremonial bowl to the audience. Perhaps the next chapter will be a peaceful one.

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