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Friday, February 26, 2016

Hello Dolly!

Hello Dolly!
Candlelight Dinner Playhouse
Johnstown, CO
January 14 - March 6, 2016

Filling the shoes of legendary actors like Barbra Streisand, Walter Mathau, Michael Crawford and Tommy Tune is a tall order, but is a task that the Candlelight Dinner Playhouse willingly took on with its production of Hello Dolly! Since this show is not often produced, it is the Gene Kelly directed film that will be most familiar to audiences.

The set of the show was well thought out. The background works as a train station and the streets of New York. The remaining sets were quickly brought on and off stage, keeping the backdrop as the streets of New York.

The characters were all interesting, however the relationships that are supposed to exist through the performance fall flat. The script really doesn‘t give these characters any reason to be around each other or fall in love. But the cast does their best with what they have and we are rooting for a happy ending.

The humor in the show didn't resound with the audience for the most part and the slapstick comedy added in the production seemed out of place.

The real star of the show was the dancing. The production numbers were big and bright with choreography which fit the time period. The scenes inside the Harmonia Gardens restaurant sparkled like the dishes they served.

The costumes throughout the show brought out the mood for each occasion. The changes were frequent as they needed to be. And when Dolly made her entrance into the restaurant for the title song her glamour was just what the audience wants to see.

The show is old fashioned, but it is also fun.

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