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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Little Women

Little Women
Aurora Fox Theater
Aurora, CO 
November 27 - December 27, 2015

Like many women, I read the Louisa May Alcott novel Little Women. It's hard to imagine it as a musical, but being the theater fan I am, I was willing to give it a try.

The sets for this show were very impressive. We started out in the intimate March home. The cozy walls of the home turned to reveal the other locations in the story, which were just as detailed as the original set. A raised loft on stage left gave the characters an attic to narrate the huge scope of the story.

The four March girls were well cast. Each exuded her own personality and the songs they sang together were lovely.

The songs were pretty, but mostly forgettable. None of them were personally engaging or hummable. But they were all well sung by the very talented cast.

The story line followed the book fairly well but it was condensed. The costumes made the passage of time harder to see. At the beginning, each character wore a simple everyday dress and only changed for specific reason. That was believable enough. However, closer to the end of the show, the costumes were more distinct and it seemed strange for the characters to wear them every day.

Fan of the book will appreciate this production. The stories they love are there. (Beth's death is over the top, but it will still play on your emotions.) It is a real story about life, love and most of all, family. A perfect sentiment for this time of year.

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