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Sunday, May 10, 2015


National Touring Company
Buell Theater
Denver, CO 
April 29 - May 10, 2015

Musicals don't get much more beloved than Annie. The songs are familiar to even the most casual theater goer and everyone recognizes Annie, Sandy and Daddy Warbucks. And despite a lifetime of attending theater, I had never seen it onstage. This touring production didn't let me down.

For this show to work, the actress playing Annie has to be special. And she was. Her rendition of "Tomorrow" was heartfelt and uplifting. She's likely sung it hundreds of times and yet it still sounded fresh.

The rest of the cast were just as strong. Miss Hannigan was not so evil that she wasn't hilarious. Daddy Warbucks was a loveable workaholic and you can't help but develop a fondness for Grace and the rest of the staff.

Sandy was played by a live dog. His appearances were brief, but I doubt there wasn't a single member of the audience who wouldn't have gladly taken this dog home. He was sweet and endearing. (The dog's story in the program only added to the appeal.)

The production numbers were especially entertaining. The harmonies were spot on and the choreography was engaging.

It's been a while since I've seen the technology used to change sets as smoothly and quickly as the ones in this show. Each one was a marvelous representation of the locations they portrayed. You never forgot you were in New York City.

This production was everything a touring company should be. It had a talented cast, impressive sets and an enduring script. And it was clear that the audience agreed with me because every song was received with an enthusiastic and long round of applause. Annie is the perfect show to introduce children to live theater or to add to their theatrical experience.

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