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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Alice In Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland
Theatre-Hikes Colorado
Cherokee Ranch and Castle
Sedalia, CO
June 7 - July 6, 2014

Alice in Wonderland is the third production I've seen from Theatre-Hikes Colorado. The first two were performed at the Denver Botanic Gardens which was more like a nice walk than a hike. However, with the popular Chihuly exhibit I'm sure the Gardens didn't want to add to the crowds. It's really too bad because exhibit would have a perfect backdrop for Alice.

Today's performance was at Cherokee Castle and Ranch in Sedalia. It's a beautiful mountain setting and I could see we were in for a real hike. The group met in front of the castle and the staff made sure everyone checked in before the  hike began.

We followed a violin player who walked with our guide at the head of the group. When we arrived at the first location, the actors were already in place. There was a lovely blonde playing Alice and the rest of the actors played multiple characters. They didn't change clothing, but they added enough accessories for the audience to easily see who they were.

We hiked to five different locations for the five scenes. The cast used each of the locations well to frame the scene. The actors were clearly having fun with the ridiculous story and that only made it more fun for the audience. The script also included lesser known characters from the book which only kept us guessing even more.

The Theatre-Hikes productions are not the greatest performances you will ever see. But the choice of fun material and natural scenery make them more memorable.

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